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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  February 1, 2010 6:41pm-7:00pm EST

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"gather 100 orphans from the streets and collapsed orphanages then return to the d.r." they arrived at the dominican border without so much as passports for the kids. just a note from a baptist pastor in haiti. >> what we were told was that the pastor could basically write a statement with all the names of the children verifying their identity and the fact that their parents were deceased and signed the statement. >> reporter: the border guards promptly arrested them and transported 33 kids to a reputable child welfare organization. so how are the kids doing? >> today the kids are doing quite well because they feel safe in here they feel secure. >> reporter: the folks here are still trying to determine, case by case, how these kids ended up thoon bus. nay already know that at least half of them aren't orphans at all. one sign that the missionaries may have known that, flyers found in some of the kid's pockets showing the nice house with a pool that awaited them. >> this forces parents to give children away. >> reporter: this 5-year-old day
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had to look after his baby sister. innocent victims of a great misunderstanding or something much worse. there is this note from haiti. military flights brings injured resumed today. the flights were suspended after florida hospitals sad they were overwhelmed with the injured. violence in iraq today where a female suicide bomber wearing a bomb under her scarf debt tated when she was walking on the northern edge of baghdad. 54 people were killed, more than 100 were injured. they were on the way to karbala. still ahead, a crystal ball for parents? could it be your baby is free of 100 diseases? and 25 years of we are the
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world, new voices tonight. when your eyes are smiling... you're smiling. and when they're laughing... you're laughing. be kind to your eyes... with transitions lenses. transitions adapt to changing light so you see your whole day comfortably... and conveniently while protecting your eyes from the sun.
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different diseases. after the test, what do they do. >> reporter: they are eager to start a family. ally zwahlen and her husband, steve, are both in good health. but are they at risk of having children with a rare, inherited disease? the answers could come from this bold, new form of genetic screening. >> i'm confident that it's going to alleviate a lot of uncertainties and provide peace of mind. >> reporter: some doctors are unabashedly gushing about the new test. >> i'm very enthusiastic about it. i tell all my friends about it. you know, my girlfriends who are getting married right now and who are planning a pregnancy? i tell them, before you get pregnant, do this test. >> reporter: unlike traditional genetic tests that require a blood sample to help find carriers of one specific disease, the new test uses a little saliva to look for genetic markers linked to 109 inherited diseases, from cystic fibrosis to pompe disease to
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sickle cell and tay-sachs disease. >> we are looking for mutations that parents unknowingly carry. bere today, it had never been easy, convenient and reliable to get a pre-pregnancy test at home. >> reporter: for $350, the samples are analyzed at this lab near san francisco, screened simultaneously for more than 400 genetic mutations with the results availae in less than a week. if both husband and wife test positive for the same disease, there are steps they can take including in vitro fertilization where doctors could check each embryo and implant on the those that appear free of specific disease. many geneticists we contacted, while excited about the new test, do urge caution. >> this new genetic test is an important first step. the jury is still out on whether it can deliver everything it promises. >> reporter: more such tests are like low to follow offering families a greating chance for a baby. one moreedic note.
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an update to a report about high-tech medical scans and a fear some patients are treated with excess radiation. doctors will now start tracking radiation exposure and put the data in medical records. they are urges other facilities to do the same. coming up, cost cutting in one city goes to extremes. and single ladies, including one married one, rule the music world. when sixty percent off is at stake, so today, she's talking to her doctor about overactive bladder. teri decided she's tired of always stopping to "go," so today, she's talking to her doctor, too. if you have overactive bladder symptoms, today is the day to talk to your doctor and ask about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents over 24 hours, all day and all night. plus, toviaz comes with a simple plan with tips on food and ink choices
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th the city of colorado springs south of denver is taking budget cutting to a whole new level. the police helicopters are for sale. evening and weekend bus service being eliminated and one-third of the street lights will be turned off. no more trash cans in city parks and residents are asked to bring their own lawn nowers if they want the lawns trimmed in the park. water is cut off to the parks too. 50 years ago today, a pivotal moment in civil rights. four black students sat down at a whites only lunch counter in north carolina. they were refused service and they refused to leave. today that building was dedicated as a mu sum and the four members of the greensboro
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four were there. a traffic reporter became part of a story in the morning mush. he and his pilot made an emergency landing on the turnpike. the landing created a traffic jam of its own which ended after the plane was towed away. the women of the music world are flying high. it was a record setting night of the grammys. beyonce, six awards. and bnld here, taylor swift, four statues including album of the year. lady gaga won two awards and pink sang while thing from the ceiling. ♪ beyonce there. we we come back, 25 years
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music world are trying to light a fire for haiti. it is happening 25 years of that first group of stars sang "we are the world," filing into the same studio at 10:00 at night and obeying quincy jones who said check your egos at the door. ♪ we are the world we are the children ♪ ♪ there's a choice we're making we're savorisaveing our own lif♪ >> the soge was written by michael jackson and someone said it was like a jam session up in heaven. hour after hour, they rehearsed and helped each other. the piano man and the king of pop. willie nelson signing an autograph for bruce springsteen.
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and they tried to please the maestro, the perfectionist, quincy jones. >> let's put it on tape. >> the sol lowists had to stay later, the last one dragging home at 8:00 in the morning. and today, they are gathering again. and quincy jones will about at helm. and this time, bono, jennifer hudson and two stars not yet born at the time of the recording, miley cyrus and lady gaga gathered, trying to create that magic and trying to pass the blessing on. ♪ we are a part of god's great big family ♪ >> and some where the class after 1985, 25 years older now, will be watching as they pass the torch and the song to a
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newer generation. 25 years of "we are the world." hope you have a wonderful evening. see you tomorrow night. ossman ali is a new york cab driver. he doesn't have a business address. he doesn't have a cfo. but he does use digital currency, so he can take fares who don't have cash. visa digital currency brings more business and greater safety to 13,000 cab drivers and their customers. this is ossman. this is progress.
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